View-master viewer and reels, 1944-1977 and undated.


View-master viewer and reels, 1944-1977 and undated.

Collection comprises a Luma View brand View-Master stereoscope, with light attachment, and 27 View-Master reels in their original sleeves and packaging. Reels (dated 1944-1950, 1977) hold Kodachrome photographs, and reel topics feature primarily national parks and natural attractions in the United States (e.g., Yellowstone; Niagara Falls; Silver Springs, Florida), with a few reels on the Christmas story, fairy tales (Snow White, Cinderella), as well as television programs and other popular works (e.g., Cisco Kid, Adventures of Tarzan).

29 items (0.4 lin. ft.)

Related Entities

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Jesus Christ (person)

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